Should they bring this epic series back? Starting from when I was just a child on the Sega Dreamcast I instantly fell in love with the heart pounding, ground breaking, game none other wise known back then as Sonic Adventure 2. Then the gamecube came out and they came up with Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Sonic Adventure DX Directors Cut. This series of Sonic games made life worth living for. Introducing a wide array of colorful characters, 'Shadow', Rouge, Chaos 0, ect.
They really need to bring this epic game back to life and stop making all the new gay Sonic games. Who wants to play a Sonic game where everytime you go inside a stupid story book and play through a story about the 'Arabian Nights' and 'King Arthur'. Interesting stories...Horrible gameplay. Awesome gameplay...Horrible stories. These two componets are what needed too make a good Sonic game.
Sonic Unleashed=amazing gameplay! The story just flipped and turned stupid. Sonic Next-Gen amazing story, but the gameplay was just retarded. Now a good game that I thought had potential was Sonic Heroes. It had ncie gameplay and a pretty good story. The only thing that got me was the graphics and voice acting. The characters looked like a piece of crap and they sounded nothing like 'Sonic', 'Knuckles', or 'Tails'.
That down right pissed me off.
Another game that wasn't good AT ALL, was none other than Shadow the Hedgehog. The ruined the series by making Shadow more badass and emo than he needs too be. Why would we need a cute fluffy bad/good hedgehog walking around with guns killing people and saying 'damn' or 'hell' everytime we fell off the stage or got shot ourselves?
The only Sonic game that I thought had the stuff was Sonic Adventure. Amazing gameplay and such a great story! THEY NEED TO BRING IT BACK.